Released in 2015, Wheelhouse is the seventh EP from Sindri Eldon. Tracks 1 & 3 recorded and mixed by Ísak Örn at Stúdíó Starmýri in Reykjavik, Iceland. Tracks 2 & 4 recorded and mixed by Aaron Schroeder at BLDGS, Seattle. Track 5 recorded and mixed by Hilmir Berg and Ásmundur Jóhannsson at Hlöðver Studios, Reykjavik, Iceland. Bass on 1 & 5 by Friðrik Sigurbjörn. Drums on 1 & 5 by Ásmundur Jóhannsson. Mastered by Aaron Schroeder.
Knick Knack Records KKR-025
Not Gonna Give
Come Thirty