Teleferik featured in Full Moon zine (Czech Republic)

Teleferik's new album "Lune Electric" was featured in the latest edition of the Czech print zine Full Moon and we have a translation below.
by Jiří Vladimír Matýsek
"A Paris couple Eliz Mourad (voice, bass) and Arno Vincendeau (guitar) - backed with Olivier Hurtu on the drums - are the most prominent evidence of the fact, that intelligent melting of different cultural and stylistic influences can be, at least, interesting. After the three EP's, this October, they come with the full record, Lune Electric. Ten songs melting psychedelia together with blues and hard rock and spice all with a little bit of frech chanson. French is melted with english, an exotic ingredince in the coctail is arabic. Lune Electric is based on the dialogue of guitar and voice, under which there is bubbling bass. The voice of Eliz Mourad comes with a great scale of emotion. The influence of woman soul singers cannot be hidden, her voice can be gentle - and in a just one second could be unstoppable wild. Through the same, unpredictabble waves goes even the music. For all the time, there are middle tempos, but it's variability - if we count the sound - is holding a listener in the thrill and can also suprise him. We can't go far for an example - let's take the first song on the record, Beumont. The song goes from a gently, softly going song with a nice singing, to the dirty, psychedelic-hard rock wild thing. Some songs (Money Value, Behlam Fik), are decorated with the sound of the synthesiser, which should went straight from the deep seventees, where also led the roots of Teleferik. They are, in no way, stuck in the past. The Parisiens come with the record with present sound, record which is dynamic and very enjoyable. It is nothing for one-side lovers of pop and electro. It should draw an attention of listeners, who love intelligent music."